In order to write an essay perfectly, you need to be able to write correctly, but don’t think that this is enough! Of course, this is a piece of cake for some, but not all people can immediately sit down at the table and write an essay for the first time. There are 10 best tips that can help students learn to write great essays faster. There is nothing complicated among them that you might not have guessed. To master the art of writing, you need to keep in mind a few important and simple life hacks that will improve your writing and save you time.

Understand the Assignment

Before you start writing any academic material, you need to carefully read the assignment and requirements for an academic essay. This is very important because sometimes the wording of a task can be tricky enough to get it right the first time. Often students lose points or their essays are not accepted at all by teachers because the student did not understand the assignment or understood it incorrectly. If you have any doubts about what an assignment requirement means, it is best to consult with your instructor to clarify what it means.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is one of the most important foundations of the entire academic essay. The topic of the assignment can prompt the student to write a proper thesis statement. This statement determines how interesting and informative the academic essay will be. If the thesis statement does not correspond to the assignment or is formulated incorrectly, the student may lose points during the presentation of his material. The thesis statement should be strong and precise. It should also convey the theme and idea of the essay, not be too complex, but also not too obvious. The main thing for a thesis statement is to make the reader ask a question in order to get an answer during reading. If the reader gets confused by the thesis statement, he will not understand the meaning of the entire essay because it will seem too difficult to understand. At the same time, if the reader reads a thesis statement that is too obvious, he will not be interested in understanding the issue better.

Plan Your Essay

Planning your essay is also a very important aspect of writing it. An outline always helps while writing any kind of academic paper. An outline helps students, especially beginners, stay on track to keep the thoughts they want to put on paper in order. The plan is best created while analyzing and searching for information. Even if you can’t write a structured and understandable plan right away, write it down in the form of notes that you can understand. After this, it will be easier for you to divide all the important information into micro-topics to start writing your essay. You must navigate the volume of the text, and remember that the introduction and conclusion should not take up more than 20% of the volume of the essay together. The main part of the essay should be divided into paragraphs to make the information easier for the reader to perceive.

Research Thoroughly

Some essays, other than the personal opinion essay, require the student to provide accurate and relevant information. To do this, you need to find this information on the Internet in a corporate library, or in any other reliable source. It is very important to include only important and relevant information in your essay. You should not rewrite paragraphs from articles and books in your essay. This will cause the amount of plagiarism to exceed the acceptable limit and you may lose credits in your college or university. You also need to pay attention to the reliability and veracity of the information. People often post paraphrased articles online. Do not blindly believe these articles; it is better to double-check the information. An incorrectly formulated sentence may be regarded by teachers as untruthful. This little trick can cause a student to lose valuable college credits.

Also remember to always improve your writing style

To improve your writing skills every year. This can help in the future, especially if your future profession is related to writing in one way or another. Also last but not least are these skills:

  • Edit and Revise
  • Engage the Reader
  • Develop Clear Body Paragraphs
  • Stay Concise and Focused
  • Seek Feedback

It is important to remember that the perfect essay can only be written through constant practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t write a perfect essay the first time. Professors, teachers and writers have studied just as hard as you do now, so if you want to surpass them, you will have to try hard. Or, use our life hacks to stress a little less.