Introductory speech of the organizers

Basics of mastering a subject or area for a teacher

Developing successful tasks for online lessons

Develop your teaching skills through action research
The best teachers are problem solvers and experimenters – they are always looking to improve their skills and the effectiveness of their lessons. One way to do this in a systematic, principled way is to launch research projects. In this lecture, we’ll look at the kinds of learning experiments we might want to run, how we can set them up and monitor them, how to decide what counts as success, and whether success is something we should worry about approximately.


How to draw your lesson from the textbook
How often we see bored students and tired teachers! It is often said that this is the result of poor prior learning or poorly designed textbooks. Let’s take a look at some practical, useful ideas and techniques to help improve teaching and get everyone off their textbooks without throwing away the textbook altogether.

Asynchronous learning with messaging apps
Many teachers want to get involved in online learning, but what are the options? There are various easy-to-use programs available, but many of them don’t facilitate real communication.

Managing an online classroom from a different perspective
In his presentation, the speaker will share some of the techniques he has picked up, including how to use your voice, posture, body language and movements.